Elektrina D.o.o Driver

XLAB’s Smart Locator and Elektrina’s Cloud.Kronoterm Solution won the EuroCloud Slovenia Award 2015.

At this year’s fifth EuroCloud Slovenia competition, each entry was assessed by a highly qualified jury, comprising members who are recognized professionals in their own field. The criteria on which applications were evaluated are innovativeness, societal benefits, the application’s potential for add-ons, new services and its compliance with legislation, security standards and interoperability.

# VID Decimal. OIB: 9 Rudarska 9 52220 LABIN. Centrala: +385 52 855-098 telefaks: +385 52 855-122. The ecosystem of drivers, vehicles and car related businesses. It is marriage of hardware, software, cloud intelligence and services, that will revolutionize the way we interact with our car. The winners of the Slovenian competition will go forward to the final – European EuroCloud Award 2015. ELEKTRO-MOTORI d.o.o. Je firma iz Slavonskog Broda za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge.

This year’s winners:


In the category Best Cloud based Innovation

Smart Locator application: http://smart.gaeaplus.eu

Smart Locator is a cloud-based software that is used in emergency response centres in several European countries. Besides the Slovenian 112, it is also used in Finland, Switzerland, Iceland and Bavaria. In case of emergency, it locates the caller in distress, who calls the emergency number 112. Neither the emergency response centre nor user need to preinstall any software.

Elektrina D.o.o Driver Ed

Elektrina d.o.o driver portal

In the category Best Cloud Vertical Market

Cloud Kronoterm Solution: https://cloud.kronoterm.com

This service was made in cooperation between company Termo-tehnika and company Elektrina. It enables the control and monitoring of a heat pump from the comfort of a recliner or a remote location.

In the category Best Cloud Horizontal Market

FlipIT: www.flipitcloud.com

For the end business user, Flip IT Cloud brings desktop (DaaS), email, applications (SaaS), telephony, information security, and support. A fully managed working environment which can be securely accessed over the Internet from any location. As for the partner reseller, Flip IT Cloud is white label cloud automation and orchestration software and a way towards the current big cloud market change.

In the category Best Cloud Services provided by Start-Up

ULU: http://www.ulu.io

Elektrina D.o.o Driver Licence

The ecosystem of drivers, vehicles and car related businesses. It is marriage of hardware, software, cloud intelligence and services, that will revolutionize the way we interact with our car.

Elektrina D.o.o Drivers Test


Elektrina D.o.o Driver License Test

The winners of the Slovenian competition will go forward to the final – European EuroCloud Award 2015, held on October 07th, 2015.